IC Portal Login
Portal Login
Infinite Campus: Darby's Student Information System
First Time Account Registration:
Access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal at the following web page: View Infinite Campus
Click “If you have been assigned a Campus Portal Activation Key, click here.”
Enter the 32-character Activation Key and click Submit. (If you do not have your unique parent key call the high school office at 406-821-3252),
A screen will display, which allows you to create a User Name and Password
Enter a Username (your preference).
Enter a Password (your preference but it will require a strong password)
Enter the password a second time in the Verify Password field
Click the Create Account button. This will create your username and password. This is the username and password that you will use to log in from now on.
Update from Infinite Campus: The Student and Parent Portal has gone mobile! Access your schedule, grades, assignments and attendance data using the Infinite Campus Mobile Portal! This universal app gives students and parents instant access to their data using an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. Find out more at Mobile Access.